Journey to 30 Challenge: Master the Ultimate Power Exercise

Por los editores de SilverSneakers |

There's one exercise that should be on every older adult's daily to-do list: sit-to-stands. Here's why - and how to conquer it.

Journey to 30 Challenge Master the Ultimate Power Exercise

To celebrate our 30th anniversary, we’ve put together the Journey to 30 Challenge! It’s four weeks of summer-fun activities to help you stay active, connect with the SilverSneakers community, and have a total blast doing it.This is Activity No. 10. Find the full step-by-step guide here. And download the game board PDF here.  

Journey to 30 Challenge Board Game PDF

Think about how often you go from sitting (or from a crouched position) to standing. The number's too high to count, right?

It’s a movement pattern that’s crucial to many activities of daily life — getting in and out of a car, picking up a package, gardening, the list goes on. 

Being able to perform this motion with ease and efficiency takes lower-body strength, good balance, and endurance. And Sit-to-Stands are one exercise that checks off all three boxes.

In fact, it’s a perfect example of a functional strength-training exercise that older adults should do every day.   

SilverSneakers members: RSVP for the 30th Anniversary Grand Finale Member Celebration that takes place at 1:00 p.m. ET on September 16. It’s an online workout party that you won’t want to miss! Check your eligibility and RSVP here 

Journey to 30 Challenge Activity No. 10: Do 3 Sets of 10 Sit-to-Stands 

You can cross this activity off your list in no time - during a commercial break, while you're waiting for your coffee to brew, even while you're talking on the phone. It's also a good exercise to tack onto the end of a treadmill or exercise bike session at the gym.

All you'll need is yourself and a sturdy chair. Position yourself near a wall for support, if needed.

Como siempre, la clave es la seguridad. Si tiene alguna afección crónica, alguna lesión o problemas de equilibrio, consulte a su médico sobre cómo puede ejercitarse de manera segura. 

Get and stay fit with SilverSneakers! Choose from dozens of different Community classes, visit a participating fitness location, or view the current schedule of SilverSneakers LIVE online classes.  


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How to do it: 

  1. Sit in a sturdy chair with your knees at about a 90-degree angle and your feet firmly planted on the floor.  
  2. To prepare, roll your shoulders up, back and down and bring your arms out in front of you for balance.  
  3. Press through your heels and engage your glutes to bring yourself up to standing.  
  4. Pause here, and then lower yourself back to your seated position with control. That’s 1 rep. 
  5. Do 3 sets of 10 reps. 

To learn more about this exercise: Try the 30-Second Sit-to-Stand Self-Check with senior fitness expert David Jack and get insights to your results.

Bonus challenge for SilverSneakers Members: Take a Lower Body Strength (Express) class. It’s 15 minutes of all-out leg and core work that will help you stay mobile. View the SilverSneakers LIVE schedule and RSVP here.

Take Your Favorite SilverSneakers Classes Online!  

SilverSneakers members can access live fitness classes and wellness workshops through SilverSneakers LIVE. See the latest schedule and RSVP for classes here.  

¿No es miembro? If you have a Medicare Plan, it may include SilverSneakers — at no additional cost. Check your eligibility instantly here. 

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