Reto de Año Nuevo: Prueba una meditación guiada de 3 minutos

Por los editores de SilverSneakers |

Relájese y mejore su concentración con la meditación. This activity will guide you into the right frame of mind for the day. 

Keep up with the Strong Body, Strong Mind, Strong You Challenge here and on our Facebook page. 

Becoming a stronger you isn't all about moving more. It also means having a healthy mindset. Even if you've never tried it, you've likely heard about the benefits of meditation. And no, not all meditation requires sitting with your legs crossed and chanting. There are many ways to meditate, and research shows that it can help you feel more relaxed, mindful, and focused.  

And it can even boost your brain too. A study in the journal JAMA Neurology looked at the effects of a meditation program on adults over age 65. The researchers found the practice sharpened attention more than learning another language does.  

Other studies have suggested that mindfulness meditation—the practice of bringing your attention to the present moment—improves cognition, and it may help preserve brain health as we age.   

Emotional well-being and fitness go together! With SilverSneakers, you can choose from dozens of different Community classes, visit a participating fitness location, or join one of 20+ SilverSneakers LIVE online classes. Check your eligibility here.  

How to Use the 3-Minute Guided Meditation for Mindfulness 

For today’s brain-building activity, SilverSneakers trainer Shannon Thigpen offers a guided meditation exercise so you can bypass some of the mental chit-chat that can keep you from focusing on your health goals.  

You’ll learn how to calm your mind in only a few minutes, and you’ll reap all the benefits that meditation has to offer. All you need is a comfortable place to sit in a quiet place.  

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Here are some of Shannon’s best tips to keep in mind:  

  • Sit or lie down comfortably 
  • Close your eyes and breathe slowly   
  • Pick a mental image of a favorite place 
  • Focus all your energy on that image  
  • When competing thoughts pop up, let them float away 
  • When ready, open your eyes 
  • Practice daily 

Love this and want more? Take a SilverSneakers Mindfulness & Meditation (Express) Class!

Reduzca el estrés y mejore la claridad mental y la concentración en solo 15 minutos, con una variedad de técnicas para entrenar su atención y conciencia. View the schedule and RSVP here. 

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Los miembros de SilverSneakers pueden ir a miles de gimnasios y centros de fitness de todo el país, además de tomar clases en línea SilverSneakers EN VIVO diseñadas para adultos mayores de todos los niveles. If you have a Medicare plan, it may include SilverSneakers—at no additional cost. Check your eligibility instantly here.  

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