Learn How to Beat the Exercise Blahs

Por los editores de SilverSneakers |

¡Diviértase y siga así! Hang onto the dance moves in today's video and break them out whenever you need some motivation!

Whether you were already working out regularly or were new to exercise when you started this fitness journey, it's incredibly common to struggle with motivation. Maybe that means that after this challenge is over, you will skip a fitness class or gym session with the intention of restarting with the next one - except you find an excuse not to do that one either.

Think of those no-activity periods as the “exercise blahs,” when working out feels like just another dreary chore you’d rather not do. And it happens to the best of us: A research review in the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity found that most people are aware of the ample health benefits of exercise for physical and psychological wellbeing, but only about half of U.S. adults are considered regularly active. So even knowing what’s best for you doesn’t always mean you have the will to do it.

Add SilverSneakers to your wellness routine! Classes and events are happening daily at participating gyms, online through SilverSneakers LIVE, and at community centers near you. Activate your free online account to get started.

How to Dance Away the Exercise Blahs

Are you ready to learn how to de-blah yourself in just a few minutes? Today’s activity involves SilverSneakers LIVE trainer Shannon Thigpen guiding you through some fun dance moves she loves, so you can get a little silly and shake your way to more motivation.

All you need are comfortable shoes and open floor space. Keep this video handy for when you're needing a little motivation during the rest of 2023.

Como siempre, la clave es la seguridad. Get your doctor’s OK before beginning any new exercise program. Si tiene una enfermedad crónica (incluida la osteoporosis), problemas de equilibrio o lesiones, hable con su médico para ver la forma de hacer ejercicios con seguridad.

Love this and want more? Take a SilverSneakers LIVE Line Dancing Class!

The popular 30-minute classes include fun line-dancing segments and are appropriate for all fitness levels. View the schedule and RSVP here.

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