Reto de Año Nuevo: Fortalezca todo su cuerpo sin usar pesas
Use your own bodyweight to build strength and improve coordination from head to toe as you kick off the final days of the challenge!
Keep up with the Strong Body, Strong Mind, Strong You Challenge here and on our Facebook page.
Welcome back for the final few days of the challenge! You've come this far, and you're well on your way to finishing strong. We've talked a lot about the importance of weights in this fitness program, but you can build strength in a variety of different ways. Including with the weight of your own body.
Bodyweight exercises can be surprisingly effective. A study in the journal Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine looked at the effects of low-intensity bodyweight training in men and women over age 65, and they compared their results with people the same age who used machines for strength training at a gym. They found there were no significant differences between the groups, and all participants showed clear benefits in mobility and strength.
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How to Use the Bodyweight Strength Workout
Today, you’ll learn a few simple bodyweight training moves, in a sequence that takes less than 10 minutes, and you can do at home or at the gym. SilverSneakers LIVE trainer Shannon Thigpen will guide you through the workout step-by-step, so you can understand proper form. Aim to do this workout two to three times a week.
Como siempre, la clave es la seguridad. Get your doctor’s OK before beginning any new exercise program. Si tiene una enfermedad crónica (incluida la osteoporosis), problemas de equilibrio o lesiones, hable con su médico para ver la forma de hacer ejercicios con seguridad.
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Love this and want more? Try a SilverSneakers LIVE Bodyweight Boot Camp Class!
In this 45-minute class, you’ll go through a series of energizing bodyweight exercise circuits that will improve your overall strength and cardiovascular fitness. Se puede usar una colchoneta para algunos ejercicios de piso. View the schedule and RSVP here.
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