Reto de Año Nuevo: Aprovechar la conexión mente-cuerpo

Por los editores de SilverSneakers |

Tómese un momento para observarse. This body scan meditation only takes 4 minutes, and it will leave you feeling calmer and more present.

Keep up with the Strong Body, Strong Mind, Strong You Challenge here and on our Facebook page.

You probably know by now that training isn't just for your body - having a healthy brain requires some effort and practice, too. Your body and your brain work together to keep you healthy, and mindfulness practices are an essential part of that.

A study in the journal BMC Geriatrics found that a mindfulness practice can offer a range of benefits, from more self-acceptance to better familial and social relationships. Researchers noted that this simple habit offers the potential for major health advantages, but that it can be difficult to get started without some type of guidance.

Emotional well-being and fitness go together! With SilverSneakers, you can choose from dozens of different Community classesvisit a participating fitness location, or join one of 20+ SilverSneakers LIVE online classesCheck your eligibility here

How to Use the 4-Minute Body Scan Meditation

For today’s activity, SilverSneakers LIVE trainer Shannon Thigpen guides you through one of her favorite mindfulness techniques, called the body scan. In just a few minutes, you’ll learn how to relax quickly and build more awareness in your body. That can help you stay present, not just during the video, but anytime you need a mental break.

Before you press play to follow along with Thigpen, keep these body scan tips in mind:

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  • Sit or lie down comfortably
  • Breathe slowly and deeply
  • Bring awareness to one body part at a time
  • Imagine sending your breath to that body part
  • Scan at your own pace
  • Practice daily

Love this and want more? Take a SilverSneakers LIVE Mindfulness & Meditation (Express) Class!

Reduzca el estrés y mejore la claridad mental y la concentración en solo 15 minutos, con una variedad de técnicas para entrenar su atención y conciencia. View the schedule and RSVP here.

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