Camino al desafío 30: caminar fuerte

Por los editores de SilverSneakers |

Today’s activity is about finding a new stride — because there’s more to walking than putting one foot in front of the other.

Journey to 30 Challenge: Walk Strong

To celebrate our 30th anniversary, we’ve put together the Journey to 30 Challenge! It’s four weeks of summer-fun activities to help you stay active, connect with the SilverSneakers community, and have a total blast doing it.This is Activity No. 5. Find the full step-by-step guide here. And download the game board PDF here. 

Journey to 30 Challenge Board Game PDF

There’s a reason we rave about walking so much. It can help lift your mood, is an important strategy in maintaining a healthy weight, and can help you live a longer, healthier life, according to the National Institute on Aging. You may even know that frequent treks improve sleep and memory.   

Some people use walking as their primary way to stay active and fit. Others use it as training, a way to boost their endurance so they can keep doing the other activities they love. Maybe for you that’s playing golf or pickleball. Or maybe you’re a member who wants to gear up for our SilverSneakers LIVE 30th Anniversary Celebration master class on September 16th. 

No matter how you work walking into your workout routine, it's important to constantly change things up. Adding drill or speed challenges ups your fitness, makes you stronger, and helps prevent falls. That's where today's challenge activity comes in.

Get and stay fit with SilverSneakers! Choose from dozens of different Community classes, visit a participating fitness location, or view the current schedule of SilverSneakers LIVE online classes.

The Journey To 30 Challenge Activity No. 5 

Today’s activity is split between SilverSneakers members and non-members.  

Eligible members get access to SilverSneakers LIVE online classes, On-Demand videos, and thousands of fitness locations and classes. Not sure if you have access? Quickly check your eligibility now. 

Como siempre, la clave es la seguridad. Si tiene alguna afección crónica, alguna lesión o problemas de equilibrio, consulte a su médico sobre cómo puede ejercitarse de manera segura.

For members: Take a SilverSneakers LIVE Walk Strong (Express) Class

It’s a 15-minute workout that trains your walking muscles so that you can stride with confidence. You’ll strengthen your stability muscles and learn how to ease lower body stiffness. The end result? A more confident stride.

Today’s Walk Strong (Express) classes are at 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., and 1:00 p.m. ET. Don’t worry if these times don’t work for you, Walk Strong classes are offered several times each week. View the schedule and RSVP here.

For non-members: Add this speed drill to a 10-minute walk

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You can add this drill to any walk — around the block, doing laps around your home, or on a treadmill at the gym.

How to do it: 

  1. Start out at your normal walking pace for 2 minutes
  2. Pick up your pace for 1 minute
  3. Easy walk for 2 minutes
  4. Repeat until the 10 minutes is up

Recommended reading: Walking Workouts to Shake Up Any Routine

¡Tome en línea sus clases favoritas de SilverSneakers!

Los miembros de SilverSneakers pueden acceder a clases de fitness y talleres de bienestar en directo a través de SilverSneakers EN VIVO. Consulte el calendario más reciente y RSVP las clases aquí.

¿No es miembro? Si tiene un plan de Medicare, puede que incluya SilverSneakers sin costo adicional para usted. Verifique su elegibilidad al instante aquí.

¿No es elegible para SilverSneakers? Todavía puede obtener más de 200 videos gratuitos On-Demand de SilverSneakers ​​​​​​​y mantenerse en contacto con nosotros creando su cuenta en línea.

Descubra si su ​​​​​​​plan de salud ya incluye el beneficio de SilverSneakers. VERIFIQUE SU ELEGIBILIDAD