3 estiramientos de pantorrillas para un mejor equilibrio

Por los editores de SilverSneakers |

Las pantorrillas apretadas pueden desequilibrarle. Keep yours loose and flexible with these easy exercises.

When it comes to balance, many parts of your body have to work together to keep you stable, including your core muscles, back, and shoulders. You might not think about your calves as part of that group effort, but you should.

Your calves stabilize your ankles, help maintain posture, and support larger muscles in the legs, explains SilverSneakers fitness expert Larysa DiDio. Let’s show them a little love in this quick session.

How to Use These 3 Calf Stretches

You can do these stretches anytime your leg muscles feel tight. Pruébelos después de sentarse, cuando necesita un empuje de energía, o antes y después de hacer ejercicio. Son lo suficientemente suaves como para hacerlos todos los días, varias veces al día, si lo desea.

To follow along with Larysa, you’ll need a sturdy chair with a high back. You can also stand near a countertop or facing a wall. To get the most benefit out of these — or any stretches you do — hold the pose for 3 to 5 full breaths, or about 30 seconds each.  

Estirarse también debería ser una sensación agradable. Relájese en cada posición y preste atención hasta sentir una leve tensión. Como siempre, la clave es la seguridad. Si tiene una condición crónica, una lesión o problemas de equilibrio, hable con su médico sobre cómo estirarse en forma segura.   

Here’s how to do each exercise:

Lunging Calf Stretch

How to do it: Stand facing a wall or the back of a sturdy chair or countertop. Engage your core muscles to stabilize your spine. Step back with one leg so you’re in a split-stance position, with toes pointing forward. Step far enough back that you feel a stretch in the back of the leg. Hold for 10 to 30 seconds

Next, bend your back knee and lift the back heel (going up on the back toes) until you feel a stretch in the lower part of your calf and your Achilles. Hold for 10 to 30 seconds, then straighten your back knee and return to the beginning portion of the stretch. Hold again for 10 to 30 seconds, then switch legs and repeat.

Standing Bent-Over Calf Stretch

How to do it: Stand facing a wall or the back of a sturdy chair or countertop. Engage your core muscles to stabilize your spine. Slightly bend one knee while extending the other leg forward. Flex your front foot, hinge forward at your hips, and press your buttocks back. Pull your front toes toward your hips until you feel the stretch. Hold for 10 to 30 seconds, then switch legs and repeat.

Standing Back-of-Leg Stretch

How to do it: Stand facing a wall or the back of a sturdy chair or countertop, feet hip-width apart. Engage your core muscles to stabilize your spine. Slightly bend your knees and press your buttocks back until you feel a stretch in the back of your legs. Take care that your back is flat, not rounded. Hold here for 10 seconds.

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Next, from this position, gently shift your hips left. Pause and try to extend the stretch by pressing your head down slightly. Hold for a few seconds, then shift your hips to the right. Press your head down and hold again for a few seconds. Bend your knees and round your back to return to the starting position. Repeat the entire sequence one to two more times.

Bonus Challenge: Try a SilverSneakers Gentle Stretch Class 

¿Quiere más guía? Únase a nuestra clase Estiramiento suave (exprés) de 15 minutos de duración. Es una secuencia relajante que aliviará la tensión y ayudará al movimiento. Se ofrece en línea, con SilverSneakers EN VIVO. Vea el último calendario de SilverSneakers EN VIVO y RSVP las clases aquí.

Just getting started with the Make Your Move Challenge? Find this weeks featured 10-Minute Better Balance Workout here. And keep up with the challenge here.

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