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Hips & Shoulders Yoga for Seniors | Yoga Classes | SilverSneakers

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Are you a senior looking for a gentle and effective way to improve your flexibility and overall well-being? Look no further than SilverSneakers' Hips & Shoulders Yoga for Seniors online class.

This yoga class focuses on the hips and shoulders, two areas that can become stiff and tight with age, causing discomfort and limiting mobility. The longer holds and breathing exercises incorporated into this class help to calm the mind and gently stretch these areas, promoting greater flexibility and ease of movement.

Using a chair for support, you'll be able to safely and comfortably move into deeper stretches for your shoulders and hips. The chair also allows for modifications to make the practice more accessible to all levels of experience and physical ability. And if you need a little extra support or assistance, a yoga strap is recommended.

SilverSneakers has created this class specifically for seniors, understanding that the needs of older adults differ from those of younger practitioners. The pace is gentle and unhurried, allowing for plenty of time to ease into each pose and find your own comfort level. And, of course, modifications are always offered to ensure everyone can participate fully and safely.

So why choose yoga for hips and shoulders? By improving the flexibility and range of motion in these areas, you can reduce the risk of falls and other injuries, as well as alleviate joint pain and stiffness. Plus, the calming effects of yoga can help to reduce stress and anxiety, which can have a positive impact on overall health and well-being.

If you're looking for yoga classes for seniors that are gentle, effective, and accessible, SilverSneakers' Hips & Shoulders Yoga for Seniors is the perfect choice. With a chair and yoga strap as recommended equipment, you can easily participate in this calming and beneficial practice from the comfort of your own home. So why not give it a try and see how yoga can improve your life today?