Mantenerse conectado a pesar de la pérdida de la audición

By Comience a escuchar |

La pérdida de la audición ocurre, pero la detección temprana puede ayudar a mantenerle conectado y seguir disfrutando de sus actividades favoritas por más tiempo.

Humans are social creatures, and when hearing, communicating and interacting become more challenging due to hearing loss, it is no surprise that loneliness and social isolation come into play. And this makes it naturally easier to decline invitations, ship and transact online and just stay home.

According to researchers at Johns Hopkins living a socially withdrawn life, not only impacts your overall life happiness, but also increases your risk for dementia.

The good news: Treating your hearing loss with hearing aids can help you stay connected and involved with the world around you. More specifically, better hearing can help you maintain a strong support network, life engagement and an active social life-and the rewards that come with them.

Strong support network

Hearing better makes it easier to maintain relationships with friends, family, caregivers and other important people in your life. In turn, you are able communicate your needs with them (and vice versa). As a result, you'll have your "village"-the people who are there for you when you need them. According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, such a support system can help reduce your stress and physical health problems, plus improve your emotional well-being.

Engaged in life

Whether you take an art class, volunteer in your community or simply spend more time with family and friends, better hearing helps make it easier to live an active lifestyle. Studies show that participating in life can help you feel happier and healthier—have conversations, hear instructions, enjoy the sounds of birds, laughs and other joys of life around you. And by “healthier,” they also mean you may lower your risk for heart disease, stroke and some types of cancer.


When you can hear better, you are more likely to take part in conversations, make plans with others, go to restaurants or family events, and so on. Socializing and being around others is a good thing as social isolation is linked to an increased risk of dementia, cites the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We all want to live longer (And have fun doing it), and numerous studies have shown that an active social life may help you do just that.

So, if you’ve been thinking about getting your hearing tested or treating the hearing loss you know you have, why wait?

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How to get started

No matter your age, early detection of health concerns offers the best options for treatment and better overall health. For more information about baseline testing and regular hearing checks, speak with a hearing healthcare professional. Visit the Start Hearing website to learn more about the importance of regular hearing checkups.

