Lo mejor de lo mejor: ¡Nuestros 10 entrenamientos más populares!

Por los editores de SilverSneakers |

You came. You took your fitness up a notch. You turned these routines into our most popular blog workouts! Now it's time to hit replay on our greatest hits

Mature woman exercising and stretching at home

Se acabó la búsqueda de su rutina favorita de SilverSneakers. We've gathered them into one place for you to replay and enjoy to your heart's content.

How We Ranked Our Workouts

We came up with this list by sifting through our exercise library to find actual workouts - not just popular fitness articles. We then crunched the data to see which workouts you played over and over (a sure sign of popularity). Next, we revisited all the many positive comments you shared for each.

Finally, we arranged the list in a way that’s safe for you to do one workout every day. We lead off with the most popular routine from our blog, but the rest of the list is varied.   


Here are your favorite follow-along SilverSneakers blog workouts. 

Recuerde: la seguridad es clave. Estos ejercicios pueden ser diferentes o más avanzados que los de su clase habitual de SilverSneakers.​​​​​​​ Si tiene alguna afección crónica, alguna lesión o problemas de equilibrio, consulte a su médico sobre cómo puede ejercitarse de manera segura. 

Workout #1: 5 Exercises for Seniors to Lose Belly Fat 

Tone a common trouble spot and burn calories with this quick circuit. 

 See the full article and workout details here. 

Workout #2: 20-Minute Cardio Workout   

Looking for a fun routine to wake up your body and your brain? Right this way.


See the full article and workout details here. 

Workout #3: 7-Minute Yoga Workout for Older Adults  

This quick sequence proves the benefits of yoga go way beyond increasing flexibility. It builds strength and stamina, too.


See the full article and workout details here. 

Workout #4: 10-Minute Better Balance Workout 

"A balanced body is a healthy body," notes David Jack, a SilverSneakers fitness expert. This balance-training circuit builds muscle while improving your coordination and stability.


See the full article and workout details here. 

Workout #5: 8-Minute Circuit Strength 

It doesn’t take a lot of time—or even equipment—to make a meaningful investment in your strength.  


 See the full article and workout details here. 

Workout #6: 10-Minute Total Body Cardio 

No matter your fitness goal, getting your heart pumping should be part of the equation. This routine will raise your heart rate and work your whole body.

See the full article and workout details here. 

Workout #7: 8-Minute Core Strength Workout 

A stronger core allows you to bend, twist, walk, and go about your day with greater ease.  


See the full article and workout details here. 

Workout #8: 11-Minute Total Body Buster 

These do-anywhere moves work multiple muscle groups at once while also keeping your heart rate up, so you get both strength and cardio benefits. 


See the full article and workout details here. 

Workout #9: Yoga Flow for Better Sleep 

A bedtime routine that includes a short yoga sequence helps your body and brain settle in for the night.  


See the full article and workout details here. 

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Workout #10: 7-Minute Cardio Mix Workout 

This mini version of one of our most popular classes—SilverSneakers Cardio Mix—is a low-impact way to burn calories and boost your endurance. 


See the full article and workout details here

Bonus Workouts

Prefer a workout that you can do at your own pace? Here are our 10 most popular fitness articles that include suggested workout descriptions:

4 Exercises You Should Do Every Day 

6 Best Exercises to Prevent the Dreaded Hunchback 

Ejercicio de torso sentado de 10 minutos 

5 Bodyweight Moves That Work Nearly Every Muscle in Your Body 

6 Best Balance Exercises for Better Stability 

6 Simple Exercises You Can Do in Bed 

Los ejercicios que debe hacer cuando solo tiene 10 minutos 

5 Simple Moves That Tone Your Belly, Butt, and Thighs 

Ejercicio para todo el cuerpo en silla de 15 minutos 

The 10-Minute Cardio Blast Workout for Beginners 

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Los miembros de SilverSneakers pueden acudir a miles de gimnasios y centros de fitness de todo el país, además de tomar clases en línea de SilverSneakers EN VIVO diseñadas para adultos mayores de todos los niveles. Si tiene un plan de Medicare, puede incluir SilverSneakers, sin costo adicional.Verifique su elegibilidad al instante aquí.  

¿No es elegible para SilverSneakers? You can still get 200-plus free SilverSneakers On-Demand videos and stay in touch with us by creating your online account. 

Descubra si es elegible para SilverSneakers, el beneficio de fitness que se incluye con muchos planes de Medicare Advantage. VERIFIQUE SU ELEGIBILIDAD