4 Keys to Boosting Your Metabolism After 65

Por los editores de SilverSneakers |

These are the habits that really help move the metabolic needle.

group of seniors doing strength training exercises for a story on boosting metabolism

Young kids and teenagers have enviable metabolisms. Even at rest, their bodies torch calories. As you already know, your metabolism slows down as you get older. It's one of the factors of unwanted weight gain.

While you can't entirely reverse the process, there are strategies that can help pump the brakes. Take them to heart and you'll have a better chance at staying healthy and lean well into your golden years.

What Is Metabolism?

Metabolism is your body's way of converting calories from food and drinks into energy. We all have a a resting metabolic rate. That's the amount of energy that the body uses to carry out basic functions - everything from breathing to digestion to temperature control - when you're completely at rest.

Your metabolic rate accounts for between 50% and 70% of the calories you burn every day. If you have a faster metabolism, it means your body needs more energy to carry out those functions. Those with slower metabolisms need less energy to do the job.

That’s where metabolism impacts your weight. Think of the skinny person you know who can eat whatever they want without gaining a pound. They have a faster metabolism.

Gender, muscle mass, and activity all play a role in whether you have a slow or fast metabolism. And then there’s the age factor: A 2021 study published in the journal Science found that everyone’s metabolism begins to slow down when you hit your 60s.

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4 Habits to Boost Your Metabolism

Of course we can't change our age. But we can adjust our daily habits to regain some control over our metabolism and weight.

1. Add Strength Training to Your Fitness Routine

The more muscle you have, the more calories you’ll burn. So if you’re current fitness routine is heavy on walking and dance aerobic classes like Zumba or Line Dancing. It’s time to consider adding in at least two strength training workouts each week, according to the National Institute on Aging.

Here’s a good strength training workout for beginners that you can try at home. Or consider taking a SilverSneakers Classic class.

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2. Eat More Protein

You can't boost your metabolism without meeting your body's protein needs. The nutrient aids muscle growth. Plus, protein requires more energy to digest.

But here's the thing: Your protein needs go up as you get older - and many seniors aren't getting enough. This is especially try for seniors who are trying to lose weight. Your metabolism can slow if you cut calories too much.

To reboot your metabolism, a good rule of thumb is to aim to eat 25 to 30 grams of protein at each meal. To help, here’s more guidance on how much protein to eat every day. And here are 10 ways to sneak more protein into your diet.

3. Make Time to Unwind

Chronic stress is associated with a number of health problems, from obesity to heart disease to Type 2 diabetes. That's because the stress hormone cortisol slows your metabolism to free up more energy for the fight-or-flight response

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Relaxation techniques like mindfulness meditation, yoga, and deep breathing help lower your cortisol levels. They key is to incorporate them into your daily routine.

4. Dé prioridad al sueño

Plenty of scientific research shows quality sleep is important to maintaining a healthy metabolism. Those who have trouble staying asleep or getting the recommended 7 to 8 hours a night are at higher risk of weight gain.

Credit here goes to the hormone melatonin. In addition to regulating our sleep-wake cycle, melatonin also has a hand in metabolism and maintaining a healthy weight.

See our sources:
Study on slowing metabolism after age 60: Science
Metabolism and weight loss: Harvard Health
Increasing muscle mass to improve metabolism: Adipocyte
Stress effects on the body: American Psychological Association
Sleep and metabolism: International Journal of Endocrinology

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