3 Good Things About Getting Older

Por los editores de SilverSneakers |

Ready to feel good about the aging process? We've rounded up three science-backed benefits of aging, plus tips for finding your bright side.

Happy mature woman carrying a surfboard for a story on good things about getting older

Raise your hand if the conversation in your friend group often turns to the challenges that come with getting older. (Achy joints, we're looking at you.) Here's the thing, though, research shows that older adults actually feel pretty positive about the joys and rewards of this chapter of life, according to the American Psychological Association (APA).

What's not to love about having more time for self-care and activities that bring happiness and fulfillment. boost your emotional well-being? Read on to learn what science says about the best being yet to come.

1. Your Emotional Health Is Stronger Than Ever

True, older adults can and do experience depression and anxiety.  About 1 in 4 older adults are managing a mental health issue, according to the APA. But studies show that, on average, seniors are less likely to be depressed than younger adults.

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For example, a 2018 study published in Psychology and Aging found that, despite the physical changes that come with age, older adults tend to feel more content and satisfied with their lives than their younger counterparts. One reason for this is that with age comes the ability to manage life’s ups and downs more effectively, note researchers in The Journals of Gerontology. Older adults often develop a stronger sense of emotional resilience, allowing them to focus on what truly matters.

Shifting priorities also helps. With the demands of raising children, climbing career ladders, and other stressors behind them, many older adults experience greater freedom and more time to pursue passions and interests, according to another study published in The Gerontologist. This change in perspective can lead to higher levels of happiness and contentment.

With age, you’re also able to nurture — and tap into — meaningful relationships with loved ones. Those social connections can strengthen your emotional well-being, reports the APA.

2. Your Wisdom Is Your Superpower

Aging also brings about the benefit of wisdom, which the APA defines as the ability to make good decisions, answer important life questions and give advice about problems.

Life experience offers a broader perspective and the ability to make decisions with greater clarity. That's one reason older adults often perform better than younger adults on tests that draw on life experience and knowledge, according to the National Institute on Aging.

As we age, we also tend to become more comfortable in our own skin and are less concerned with societal pressures or the opinions of others. This can lead to more fulfilling relationships, reduced stress, and an overall sense of well-being.

With fewer distractions and more time to reflect, many people in their later years find joy in everyday experiences and prioritize their well-being more effectively, notes.

3. Time Is on Your Side

Free time, that is! If you’re retired or working fewer hours than you did in your younger years, you can use that time to your advantage.

Pick up those activities that you were too busy to explore or enjoy in the not too distant past:

  • Volunteer for a cause you care about
  • Take up pickleball, tap dancing, swimming—or whatever physical activity has long sparked your interest
  • Plan a dream trip
  • Sign up for classes and events at your local senior center
  • Audit a class at a community college
  • Download a language app

Engaging your body and your mind in your golden years can help lower your risk for depression, dementia, and other serious health problems, reports the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

How to Find the Silver Lining of Getting Older

To help foster a positive mindset about aging, the National Institute on Aging recommends the following:

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Be open to new experiences. You’re never too old to make friends, learn something new, or have great adventures. Give yourself permission to take some risks and do something outside your comfort zone.

See the glass as half-full. There’s no way to avoid life’s ups and downs. But a 2023 study in Scientific Reports shows that positive thinking can help you stay healthier as you age. Start with positive self-talk: I can learn from this. I’ve been through hard times before. I can do this.

Practice gratitude. Make a conscious effort to focus on all the things that are good in your life. That may be something as big as a new grandchild or as small as the comfort of that first sip of coffee in the morning. Take time every day to remind yourself of at least one thing that you’re grateful for. A 2023 Behavioral Sciences study found that older adults who practice gratitude have greater life satisfaction.

See our sources:
Thriving in old age: American Psychiatric Association
Myths about aging: American Psychological Association and National Institute on Aging
Wisdom: American Psychological Association and American Psychological Association
How the aging brain affects thinking: National Institute on Aging
Brain health and staying engaged: National Institute on Aging and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Positive thinking and life satisfaction: Scientific Reports and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Gratitude and life satisfaction: Behavioral Sciences

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