¡Acepte el Desafío de Fiestas Saludables con SilverSneakers!

Por Por los editores de SilverSneakers |

This season, toss the “but it’s the holidays” excuse and join us as we move more, eat smart, and create healthy new traditions — together!

This time of year can be a whirlwind of get-togethers, shopping, planning, and indulging in your favorite annual treats. Amid all that, it can be easy to put self-care last on your to-do list. But keeping up with your fitness and health strategies can actually help you enjoy the season even more.

“Making time to exercise, eat better, and be more mindful can help you sleep better, have more energy, and even put you in the right mood for all of the holiday fun,” says SilverSneakers LIVE trainer Shannon Thigpen.  

“Plus, it can be easy and fun to create new holiday traditions that give you time for yourself, while still catching up with friends and family,” Shannon adds.  

That’s where our Healthy Holidays Challenge comes in. 

How the Healthy Holidays Challenge Works

For the next four weeks, we’ll be unwrapping our best tips for staying healthy, happy, and, yes, even calm during this busy time of year.  

El desafío está abierto para todas las personas, sean miembros de SilverSneakers o público en general. (Not sure if your health plan includes SilverSneakers? You can check your eligibility here.) Follow along here on the SilverSneakers blog and our Facebook page to see the latest challenge activities. 

Here’s a peek at what’s to come: 

  • New workouts created by Shannon to hike feel-good endorphins 
  • Simple mindfulness strategies that you can tap into anytime, anywhere  
  • Ideas to keep gym sessions exciting (even on those dark mornings!) 
  • Healthy eating strategies that allow for all your holiday favorites 
  • Practical ways to set (and uphold) boundaries with friends and family 
  • Ideas to get ahead of the winter blues 
  • And more! 

¿Listo para comenzar? Here's your first challenge activity:

Start Here: Commit to a Holiday Season Fitness Streak 

The concept of a fitness streak is simple: “From now until New Year’s Eve, do at least 10 minutes of any kind of physical activity every day,” says Shannon. That will get you on your way to meeting the 150 minutes of weekly exercise that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends for older adults.  

Need ideas?  

Como siempre, la clave es la seguridad. Talk to your doctor before beginning any new exercise program. If you have a chronic condition, an injury, or balance issues, ask them about how you can exercise safely.

To make your fitness streak even more fun, Shannon encourages you to invite friends and family to join you. In fact, why not commit to Shannon's bonus challenge?

Bonus Challenge: Give the Gift of Fitness This Year  

“Invite your family and friends to join you in committing to a healthy holiday season,” says Shannon.   

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Instead of a gift exchange with friends, for example, you can suggest attending a SilverSneakers class together, she suggests. 

“Or you can power walk or head to the bowling alley with your kids or grandkids instead of settling on the couch for a holiday movie,” she adds. “Most of all, keep in mind that staying active can be a fun new tradition — and it’s one you can share with everyone.” 

Keep up with the Healthy Holidays Challenge

The beauty of our holiday challenge is that you can jump in at any time! Bookmark this page so you can easily find all of the daily activities:

Make a Plan to Stay Active
10-Minute Cardio & Core Power Combo Workout
Morning Stretch Routine You Can Do in Bed
Feel Calm in Minutes
10-Minute Total Body Strength Workout to Boost Your Mood
12 maneras de hacer la cena de Acción de Gracias más saludable (sin que nadie se dé cuenta)
4 Seated Strength Exercises You Can Do Anywhere
5 formas sencillas de evitar el aumento de peso durante las fiestas
Harness the Power of Mindful Breathing
10-Minute Chair Yoga Flow to Recharge
3-Minute Midday Meditation
Stay Healthy, Stress Less, and Have Fun
Practice Gratitude
Easy Exercises to Power Up Your Day
Try a Guided Walking Meditation
Get Ahead of Seasonal Affective Disorder (aka the Winter Blues)
5 Ways to Deal With Negative People Without Hurting Your Relationships or Your Mental Health
5 Ways to Deal With Loneliness During the Holidays

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SilverSneakers members can go to thousands of nationwide gyms and fitness locations, plus take SilverSneakers LIVE online classes that are designed for all fitness levels and abilities. Si tiene un plan Medicare, puede que incluya SilverSneakers, sin costo adicional para usted. Verifique su elegibilidad al instante aquí.

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